The characteristics of the body of Christ and all within. Who we are and are not in Philippians.
Saints [holy ones] (Phil. 1:1)
In whom God will perfect a good work (Phil. 1:6)
Partakers of grace (Phil. 1:7)
Filled with the fruit of righteousness (Phil. 1:11)
Granted by God as a favor to:
Believe in Christ (Phil. 1:29)
Suffer on behalf of Christ (Phil. 1:29)
Experience conflict in standing for the faith (Phil. 1:30)
Encouraged in Christ (Phil. 2:1)
Comforted in love (Phil. 2:1)
In fellowship [community] of the Spirit (Phil. 2:1)
Have always obeyed [speaking of the Philippians] (Phil. 2:12)
In whom God is at work both to will and to work for His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13)
The true circumcision (Phil. 3:3)
Have not attained to the resurrection from the dead (Phil. 3:12)
Have not already become perfect (Phil. 3:12)
Citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20)
Eagerly waiting for a Savior, the Lord Jesus (Phil. 3:20)
Physical body will be transformed to conform with Christ’s body of glory (Phil. 3:21)
Beloved brethren (Phil. 4:1)
A joy and crown (Phil. 4:1)
Beloved (Phil. 4:1)
Hearts & minds guarded by the peace of God (Phil. 4:7)
Can do all things through Christ who strengthens (Phil. 4:13)
All needs supplied by God according to His riches (Phil. 4:19)